Tuesday, July 16, 2019

PET scan results

Pet scan did show some lit up spots mostly in my neck, my armpit had one, and upper chest near neck area and some in my stomach area just above the pelvis. He is going to talk to biopsy specialist to see if any of the clumps/ lymph nodes are big enough the biggest is 3/4 of an inch the rest under a centimeter and a half and smaller he wants a larger enough sample making sure cancer hasn't changed to aggressive. in the meantime for my follicular lymphoma He wants to start treatment because of the fever and fatigue and lack of appetite at times so I will get a shunt put in my chest and start a chemo mixture that actually has few side effects the worse part is sitting through it. for 4 hours each time. so I hear anyway. if he can he will have shunt and biopsy at the same time I think. 

I will admit it all hitting me in the evening crying but not about cancer as much as my strength deteriorating and worrying about Jonathan. I have always been that way things hit me all at once then all is ok again. 

OK good things well we had a bunch of Amazon gift cards from survey sites so used them at amazon prime days for fun Christmas in July yup really Christmas in July we are going to watch Christmas movies and all hehehehe love it,  we ordered a video doorbell and some hats for me and one for Jonathan as well a backpack for laptop and such for Jonathan's work and my long days at the hospital or miny trips a shared deal lol . Jonathan got me a sloth throw blanket and got him a new dash cam for the car.  silicone pot grabber for Jonathan he keeps burning his hands not thinking and his mitt doesn't fit now because of his arthritis. and some other small things it was fun finding that extra money in amazon gift cards we had,

if you want to know the  survey sites we use  to get gift cards they are

 Swag bucks 
inbox dollars 
mobile performance meter 

and for free apps music or movie rentals from play store we use google rewards app.

Merry Christmas in July I celebrate Jesus every day love one another.


Our trip around the USA and visiting aunt Helen and family in Oklahoma

 Our trip around the USA has been added to the sidebar. We visited Jonathan's aunt in Oklahoma, then Jonathan surprised me with many gre...