Friday, July 8, 2022

End Of June Thoughts

End of June thoughts. 

Well, we are more moved into the NH home we bought, and we are loving it, and so is Chosette our dog who we have taken to calling Cosi (Cozy). It's a very appropriate nickname as she is the coziest dog we've ever had. So what we have done so far? Well, we've done a lot of cleaning, painting, and some yard clearing. Soon we will have a big moving truck trip for the big stuff. Not a lot though, we bought remote control adjustable beds and a reclining couch for the NH house, and the house came with built-in wall ovens, built-in island countertop burners, a newer fridge than we have in RI, a washer and dryer, three beautiful new chair stools for the counter bar, and an awesome swivel rocker that I recovered to match our new couch. 

Mid-July. Next trip and first a swim at Squam lake ❤

Or maybe Winnipesaukee. We hope to rent a boat this trip, but have so much to do. 

I really need to get my cancer checks done and regular checkups and start looking for new docs out here in NH.

Let's see in the news is still a Russia/Ukraine war, still high gas, and other goods prices. Airports can't get flights out on time or at all because not enough workers due to covid. Roe v Wade was overturned by a new conservative Supreme Court and women are angry. Well, that's what's big in the news.

Oh, I got my new teeth! Check 'em out! Hugs everyone, see you here next month.

End May thoughts

End May thoughts 2022

Another month almost over, got me thinking how fast time flies so I want to sit
Down at least once a month just think about it and write a bit.

This Is a perfect fist month and post. So many changes are coming. We bought a home in New Hampshire near lake winnipasaki and white mountains. We also finally got a car so I am happy sick of Uber and rentals. It is a nice Mazda sport. So we are slowly moving going back and fourth staying both places a few days a week. - Being in nh is wonderful but makes me miss mom dad and Aunt Sis who passed away recently so much more but I could say in a good way too.
Thoughts about The world right now, to Be honest never liked Putin and Russians who voted him in and now he is killing innocent Ukrainians just because they wanted to join us all in NATO it is so sad seeing this war but ukrain citizens  are putting up a heck of a fight. see.
Because of the war We are going through a gas shortage, California gas is over 6 bucks a gallon. Hard to go anywhere - here its 4 and 5 bucks in places. Also Amazon products have doubled in price groceries the same it is crazy. And another school shooting..several 5th graders dead and 2 teacher's why can't we love our kids and one another more than we love guns. Well. Till next time hugs to you all have a wonderful summer.

Our trip around the USA and visiting aunt Helen and family in Oklahoma

 Our trip around the USA has been added to the sidebar. We visited Jonathan's aunt in Oklahoma, then Jonathan surprised me with many gre...