Thursday, December 23, 2021

December update merry Christmas

 Merry Christmas. I love this time of year full of hope love giving and helping others in need. Even thogh covid is worse it still seems kindness is a bit better This year than The past few I am tired of all the anger why can't we all just Love one another as Jesus said. 

Any way the Best Gifts this year are for me and Jon are health our being on w.w. And loosing weight our New pup Chosette who keeps US smiling and heart happy and so much Love for each other. Our  news letter and Christmas page is here hugs to everyone and merry Christmas click here for news


Friday, November 19, 2021

November and memories

 OMG it is November already I can not believe it! How about some catching up I am great, our New pup just had her No baby operation sad but she is doing ok. Things are finally more normal wow it has been 3 years since shopping and eating out or having any fun day out it seems. I was sick then cancer treatment then Covid then ovarian cyst removal and losing my best friend through it all My basset Barnaby Who I still miss so much!

. The holidays bring back so. many memories The cooking smells, fresh pine of trees at Christmas I have probably said it before but a lot of comfort for me comes from smells and sounds. Like nearing kids playing in The area outside or during the summer radio and smells or The BBQ. In spring lilacs and Roses.

Thanksgiving Turkey moms French meat stuffing. For Christmas too.  it is funny I suppose but I am so grateful that classic Christmas songs and movies are still popular Wonderful memories..  other comforting things for me are laundry hanging outside in the sun, fall wet leaves the smell of a dog or the aftershaves or perfumes of people you love and smoke from a fire keeping homes warn on a long winter night.

Well anyway, Thanksgiving is almost here the day after two years ago was My last chemo treatment thanksgiving has been very special, and being very thankful for remission for 2 years now, and my friend's family husband, and now Chosette our New pup I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

I love the holiday season so much and memories seem to be the theme this year as it has  in the past from new memories to pet memories and childhood memories 
we have ornaments of past pets now at the rainbow bridge and making a new one for our new pup this year, I am also making some of our parents and childhood Christmas

we make items at my Zazzle shop I created rainbow bridge ornaments for our cat Elsa with a poem on one side and her pic on the other you use my rainbow bridge ornament and add your own photos.

almost all my ceramic ornaments allow you to use my art on one side and replace the same image on the back with a photo of your own. We also Madea block ornamet with many of our photos one year you can use it to add your own, many items in my shop allow you to replace words with names or your own words and messages.  anyway I hope you will all visit and have a very wonderful holiday season, oh and check out side panel of blog for some of my mom's recipes if interested hugs all,

Pet Lovers and Pets  

I have been jornaling for a couple years and started making journals in my shop


You can shop my store here 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Birthday thoughts

Well it is my birthday, and my thoughts go to how grateful I am for another year. I mean, cancer a couple of years ago is still in remission, and close call with ovarian cysts (the testing did come back as pre-cancerous which means that like with my Lymphoma we will need yearly testing, which is ok of course).     Like I said, I feel so blessed with friends and family who prayed, I am so lucky so blessed and so grateful to have so many wonderful people in my life.  Thank you and hugs all.

Well, it might be rainy but the day is so beautiful with birthday wishes on Facebook, a new pup wanting to play and licking my face to wake me, and my husband and best friend to share the day with. On top of all that I Love fall! I cannot wait for the colors in our area to come out and make every thing beautiful and crisp and full of magic. I Love fall, pumpkin spice and jack o'lanterns, artists all over making creative pumpkin creations with lights twinkling inside, kids trick or treating on Halloween in very cool costumes from stores of princess and knights and movie characters, or wonderfully artistic, creative home-made costumes. And the smells of Mom's stuffing recipes on Thanksgiving.

We have spent so many wonderful days at the ocean and bay, we even went once since getting our pup. I love the sound of the waves and watching the boats and wildlife. We went several different places getting some beautiful pics.

Some fall up dates

I am making 2 coloring books, one a basset hound coloring book featuring Barnaby and another about hope.

I keep a journal so I decided to make a collection with some of my art and photography. 

Always remember to watch for sales on top of shop pages. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

September update 2021

 so what A month September has been so far. First my surgery well Th cce day was rainy I was very scared have not had A surgery since I was a child under 6. We got to the hospital and right off they said Jonathan can not come ibecause of Covid protocols agai,iwas so upset I began to cry my anxiety at its highest ever I just wanted to leave to hell with it a ll. They let Jon in for a few minutes to sort stuff out t diont expect him up in the surgery area but at least get to where I check in and maybe able to sit down in the main lobby. Well anyway at least we got a student to come and assist to get me to where I need to be.i hate being so afraid all the time or having these qwer panic attacks.i also think The loosing our Barnaby and Jonathan emergency surgery took alot out of me.on top of working if This surgery on mt ovaries was cancer or not

So anyway I got up to my surgery I saw my surgeon before it and she kelt in front of everything will be ok they will take good care of me they had called Jonathan as well and let me have my phone to text him. So I got prepped by some nice nurses I also net The students who also would be in the room. And befor I knew it all done. Still nervous with all around me I did feel glad it was over. The surged said all week great No career bu. t will be testing The tumors to see if pre cancer cells exist. After hour of recovery I got wheeled to car and mt wonderful husband' (in case wondering it wa's laperscopic 4 holes and taken out through one of them on My right side . and of course the. pain was mostly there )

I am feeling much better pain is almost gone and emotionaly I am ok but embarrassed that I get that  anxiose. We did find out The test in lab snowed pre cancer cells. So I will be having tests during The year and have a oncology doctors one for my uterus and other for blood cancer lots of tests but is ok.I feel blessed cancer free for now.

We also got a- New baby a poogle or beagle poo she is a pup a few months old we are  IIIn love she is so cute. And she has been The Best medicine so much Love - well fall is coming mt favorite time of year.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

' Up date August

So lots has happened I met with my doctor at women's and infants a top In ovarian cancer and The surgery. Surgery is The first week OF September it will be laparoscopic unless cancer the it will change to normal surgery and I will have all My female parts removed in there. .
Hey look the got a bell at the infusion center to ring when done treatment.

This week was full of appointments for US both I had a check up so my family doc could sign that I was healthy enough for surgery. I also had another port flush I can't wait to finally get this port removed. Also This week Jonathan had his yearly check up and he had an appointment with his doc that did his surgery for a-check. So it was a very busy week. 

We have been on ww for a couple Mo now and doing very well losing Weight. 

 Still missing our Basset Barnaby I still cry so often. 

Lets see what else The Covid issue is happening again some stares have full hospitals kids units full. I feel so sad for the children under twelve who cont get the vaccines. And because so many miss-informed adults not getting vaccinated and hurting these kids. We also now because of those Who chose not to get vaccinated May need to get boosters. When people . Try

And claim beliefs or that you tube is smarter than docs and scientists I think OF This story of '

 The Drowning Man 
A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."

The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."

So the rowboat went on.

Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."

To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the motorboat went on.

Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."

To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.

Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"

To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?" (

Get vaccinated! God gave you doctors, scientists, and a vaccine, don't be standing at Heaven's gate asking why.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Jonathan surgery and barnaby passed away.

 The first week of July sucked was so sad and upsetting and even scary.

not only have I been told I need surgery very soon on my ovaries for the cyst that seems to be growing fast

but my wonderful furbaby Barnaby my basset hound my friend my support dog died from liver cancer I sat with him for days keeping him comfortable he hated going to the vets so like my other pets in the past he died at home with me and my husband with him I petting his side. still crying even now I am having a horrible time with this it was too soon for him and unfair he was 9 years old. also the night he died my husband was rushed to the hospital by ambulance for his hernia that went beyond strangulated he had emergency surgery. so crazy how so much can happen at once. 

As most know I have anxiety issues, so it was sooooo hard for me to get an uber and get to the hospital to see my husband but guess what I did it, I needed to vomit when I got to the hospital but I did it, and even found his room yay for me well-considering everything yes yay for me. 

I had a hard few days alone at home missing Barnaby and my husband I cleaned the house from top to bottom trying to stay busy and fix up an area for Jonathan to recoup in the living room. Staying busy does really help. 

Even though it is hard to see the wonderful some days I do feel blessed that my husband is alive for one and he is home now and taking care of him has been easy and full of love, he is up and around the last couple of days doing stuff on his own just no heavy lifting. and Barnaby was with me through so much including cancer chemo and covid isolation I feel blessed again so thankful I had him the years I did I just wish it was longer I will miss the laughter he brought his clever sneaking his counter surfing, his barking at the mailwomen, his laying with me as I pet his head, god I miss him but I know he is at the rainbow bridge and out of pain. thank you, god for the time I had.


Baranby and me -his last day holding back tears as I write now I will miss you so much dear friend.

Barnaby at easter 


Monday, June 28, 2021

Update cancer, end June 2021

 Well another update I do not think I have been this depressed in years even when I first heard of my follicular lymphoma. It is hard today to say I wont give up but I am close. We heard today what I thought we would hear I need immediate surgery on the growth on my overies we wont know if it is cancer until it is out but tests so far do not look good cancer markers in my blood are up and certain markers in ultra sound but until it is out and tested we wont know if cancer or even what stage of cancer I have a feeling it might be a stage 2 but praying it is not cancer at all and also praying it is not stage 3 or 4.

Like I said I haven’t been this depressed in a long time spacing out limp body exhausted sad I think it is because my cancer journey is still just beginning i see so many sad stories I don’t want to be that sad story but i fear i will be. Crying now as I write also my Basset is dying he has liver cancer and today is at the stop eating stage of his down hill fall the vet says he is not in pain i am so happy for that I also hope he can die at home like my other pets in the past  and not at the place he hates so much to visit our vet is great but he just hates going so much.

He was a big help to me when i went through chemo with my lymphoma it will be hard this time without him i think all the sadness of his dying and i needing surgery for this now softball in my gut that might be cancer just has taken over my spirit it seemsI hope in the days to come I can take some deep breaths and get back my happiness and hope. And snap out of this depression.

Well folks that’s it for today i will write again soon.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Help educate so we can cure disease free collage please

 can I be frank? of corse i can th''is is my blog :)

I get so upset when people poo poo free education free collage what the heck is wrong with folks?

or that people think dreamers shouldnt be able to go to collage what the or how about people from other countries living here ok ok why am I upset here it is.

I have cancer all right you all know that. well my oncolagiyst that cured me putiing me into remission waasnt born in america he was one of the best oncoligists in New England USA he has gone on to a bigger city and now I have another oncologist again not originaly from this country so what the heck are all of you complaining about. so if you can not make it easier for american kids to get into collage like make it free do not complain about them coming from elsewhere. we need to help our poor schools with hungry kids latch key kids kids raised by single moms many poor kids are smart and maybe one of those you refused an education could have been a scientist that cured cancer years back or alzimers the more we have working on this stuff the better. so stop saying no free education that is just the most foolish thing I ever heard god gives us doctors nurses and scientists but only if we alow them to get educated free to do so be greatful not hateful.

my 2 doctors dr Ranna and dr Joseph 

Friday, June 11, 2021


 So wow how hot can it get a New England  heat wave in June, want to hear a funny story?

A couple days ago when this heat wave started i thought I would be helpful and cut dowN some awful vines growing all over the air conditionar and i accedently cut a wire that the vine Grew into i mean it was covered with vine i had to peel the vine off to see what I did so i am ike huy is going to kill me, not really but yaeh it is going to get loud for a moment or two or three. 

so seeing as the wire was so long i cut a peice off so i could show hubby and see if it is fixable. i enter the house asking how much do you love me he is like what did you do i said first tell me how much you love me now keep in mind heavy people and heat wave and how that is going to be he again said what did you do so i told him and yup he was angry but then i showed him and he did say  it was fixable just a run to hardware store.and yup he fixed it and we are sooooo cool yeah. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

May 28 is blood cancer awareness

The 28th of May is Blood Cancer Awareness day. I have blood cancer which is in remission for now. I will likely see a reoccurrence or 2 in my life, but I pray not. It is called follicular lymphoma and we need a cure for blood cancer. So many suffer from lymphomas and leukemia. Please help with research now, but if you can't afford a donation please help me spread the word, hugs and thank you

WW 1st day

 aww weight Watches it is about time I could say to both my husband and myself what is difficult it seems is getting us both on the same page as far as dieting, I think being older and now I may need surgery and being overweight puts me at high risk of dying made us both think what the hell are we doing we need to stop this nonsense and lose weight.

we both struggled our entire lives we are the types with that awful motabilizim that we look at a cake and we gain weight, we really have to work hard at losing weight and keeping it off.

weight watchers is not new to me at all, I remember mom having me join with her when I was in 5th grade being the youngest in our area group my uncle was one of the leaders of the group that we attended live because at that time we were still using dial phones and not computers or smartphones and tablets.

We met in a room at the ramada inn or at meeting halls we did a weigh-in when we arrived then listened to a speaker got recipes and the List what list well they read off with congratulations on how much each person lost that week and if you gained saying let's lend some extra ideas and support to those who gained meaning to a 5th grader be embarrassed for this shameful thing. 

I did lose a lot of weight to my goal doing this by eating fish until it came out my eyes, and Skinless chicken coming out my ears, and seeing as I hated cooked vegetables I ate salads lets see oh yes until in came out my nose lol. But I went to middle school 6th grade fit and thin. It didn't last I slowly gained it all back starting in my 7th-grade year. I rejoined weight watchers with mom. For a bit but I couldn't take how it made me feel I was depressed a lot. And started having more anxiety stacks so I quit.

I did lose weight another time but it was so wrong I became an anorexic lost weight fast using laxative and starvation my mom also became one well before I did I guess I practiced what I learned, I lost weight fast but almost killed myself, and yes over a long stretch I gained it back plus some.

So here we are,  most programs are too expensive for us to join as a couple with different dietary needs so I found weight watchers once again we will thank the late-night show with James for that. It looks so much better than before I knew it would be but how much well seems to be a lot. That is just by first glance anyway.

Today is day one so far so good with this pretty cool point system. Well I just wanted to report our starting date more to come with updates fingers crossed we do well as a team. Hugs everyone.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

I hate having an anxiety disorder.

 I hate having mental illness mainly anxiety disorders.

we went to imaging center for my ultra sound and I ended up so upset I left I was full blown acting mental. am I saying that wrong no because I am taking about me and I can so say it that way.

I don’t know I think it was set up for a perfect stor for me, I mean all so silly for some but so awful for me.

it is hard for people to understand without having something they fear so much happen to you or have reall serously scary fears. but instead I get fear of situations and I hate it.

so the build up first COVID and people not needing masks, and being vaccinated I am vaccinated and that is a great thing but then it makes it now so I can go out out with less fear yes yes yes love it, then it means I now can make all the many doc appointments I need with no real fear any longer. so I do , fist was oncologist dr Joseph  for my cancer check up then a new dr at women’s and infants for my baseball size growth on my overlies, so then it starts a new doctor the other left once again a issue with me how doctors come and go around here,  the first doc I saw I am sure I must have wrote about but maybe not much she seemed a bit without experience she talked much different than this lead doctor of the office. she told me no cancer markers that we can wait a little and that she wasn’t sure she could even do it because of my weight and needed to council with others. the new dr said he needed more test to see how it was doing and tha my weight was a definite factor for surgery it being dangerous mostly during the healing process with infections. So he scheduled tests right away which made me nervous but mor confident at the same time.

Then the day came fast Jonathan didn’t tell me until the day before so I didn’t think I was upset at all but knowing myself not being able to have time to work through it does bother me with most things, then I didn’t sleep much that night .  So was very tired could hardly keep eyes open had to drink a ton of water well this diabetic can’t hold water very long.

Ok well then we left I felt ok not upset at that time yet very very tired, and trying to drink some extra water so my bladder was actually full for the test ( they can tell if it is not,)which brings me to my last ultrasound of this kind last august, everything was different I was not  tired I knew it was coming and all and she knew once we got the device inside me my bladder wasn’t full she was nice and said nothing I knew she Knew because she didn’t have me go to the bathroom right away after. Another issue also being a big women things are harder for me and for the tech. 

So back to the new test it was a different place which I didn’t realize and they asked Jonathan to leave the waiting room is to small because of COVID rules well that didn’t happen at other place that waiting room was huge. so anyway Jonathan got up to leave and wait in the car and I sill had paper work and such and I just kind of went what the hell is going on here just leaving  me with strangers and then my head fills with everything every question every answer omg just everything and then tears heart racing and I walk out right past Jonathan still making his way out second set of doors we get in a yelling match out side well not really just him yelling get back in there and come here and me repeating the word NO! Crying then laughing like crazy we are going home now and then he saying no you get your test it will be ok.  Then hysterical laughing and then crying again I say we are going home now!

He finally got it and apologized saying “he should have known and not agrued with me I know this is a panick attack and will be no way of you going back today we will reschedule.” We drove home he trying to cheer me up and I apologizing like cray and I get into my disascociative depressed state. He did well at cheering me up it just took a little time but I finally laughed a real laugh not one of hysterics. We have a new appointment already at the place I went to fist time back in august. Thanks for reading I am feeling better hugs all.

In all a good thing is my axiety attacks are getting less frequent wich is awsome!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Visit to aunts in NH after covid vaccines very happy


We finally felt soooooooo normal, yesterday we went to NH and visited my aunt all of us vaccinated and I can’t believe it was defiantly one of those hug moments you see on tv these days. I missed her so much, we all got tearful it was a wonderful visit I missed my aunt so much she reminds me of mom  a lot but very different as well.

We hadn’t see each other in 2 years because the first year I was going through chemo and I could get sick very easily  so I stayed in most of the time then she was sick for a bit and then of course COVID so another year of not seeing her. It was so nice to go for a long ride which was so pretty with spring flowers and trees and to most of all see her. check out this video.

A new start a new day thinking a lot past few days more about how I have grown              

when you can’t  do the simplest things like visit someone you love you think a lot,  when you have a cancer that is always a part of you and you wonder when it will attack again praying you stay in remission until you just die of old age you think a lot, or when a pandemic takes the lives of so many in your country and the world well yup you think a lot. So I hope to write more about thoughts I have you all can agree or disagree but these are my thoughts oh and if I talk about god  like today I have felt for years god is always a power greater or stronger than your self the earth for example greens oceans and dirt god for short or seeing as I am Christian  he is my all mighty but my dad when in AA it was group of drunks again g o d  which as a whole are a strong group to help you. so now onward some thoughts I know I have probably written befor.

  what I feel good about is how I have learned not to blame god or a higher power for things that go wrong in life, the best example I can give and often look at in my own life if illness and death. we can not blame god for those things only ourselves like cancer for example I will give 3 reasons it is our fault and not gods first is we have choice god gave us the power of choice. 

1. we do not give higher education to all who desire it and are smart enough to have it which then leads us to not enough  educated people to study disease and find a cure so all those poverty stricken kids you have decided to ignore not feed so they can study better or put through collage has a effect on us all.

2. killing of wild life and animals, many animals die off Like the elephant did you all know the elephants are the only animal that do not get cancer? and we are allowing them to be killed off treat them badly and abuse them. also we really do have plants going through some of the same and we know many of our medicines come from plants.

3 polutions do I really need to explain ok we choose chemicals that are bad for the environment and put them in the air we choose unhealthy diets some also  drink and smoke and some are around those who smoke but lets talk mostly about the air itself it is full of crap we saw images of all the smog that lifted away because of COVID and animals all around and thriving. 

so yes many of you may say I do not do any of these things so why is god still punishing me again he gave each and everyone one of us choice just because it wasn’t your choice it is another’s who caused what is our fault is not fighting to fix these things not voting for our children to get educated even if poor not paying for more to fight against poachers abusers of lands and animals and voting for the use of wind and solar provided to us by god. 

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

A saying I always remember the serenty prayer

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Spring 2021

Good morning world. well, it seems spring has finally come I will soon get my second vaccine against the virus that has changed our way of life for so long, I wish people would just do as recommended  I mean with spring comes baseball season starting and people told to still wear masks hardly any did in texas with stands full it looked awful people seem so I don't know what to say but dumb do they realize it is not over yet as all the older people are vaccinated the smart virus will attack the young you watch and all we have to do is wear masks again all I can say is dumb.

I have changed so much since my cancer diagnosis 2 years ago when you have to fight to live so hard accepting chemo a poison to run through my body to attack my cancer cells. makes you wonder why others can not simply wear a mask they wear seatbelts in a car for safety and laws, shoes on the feet because stores require it so you do not cut or break a toe, aww never mind people again some are just dumb I guess wearing a mask is not hard unless you are dumb.

while undergoing chemo and then in isolation because of covid one of the things that helped ( I am sure I mentioned it before) was and is adult coloring. here is a link to a past post. Adult coloring.

I have been finding that coloring app for my tablets it be android or ios are filled by numbers, or fill your own way but few are freehand with pen or finger and those that are cost more money so I found a way using Autodesk SketchBook, you can download free coloring pages that wonderful artists offer on Pinterest, Instagram, or search engines some coloring facebook groups offer them, you can also download photo scanner for your phone and scan your own coloring books and coloring pages. so the ones I find online I download to the device I actually download to store in my google drive and get them from there when I want them for my device then load into the sketchbook, you can flood fill you can freehand color you can zoom in you can even blend and use all the tools sketchbook offers a video I made with a bit of a how too is below I did all this because so many can not afford to keep buying new pages or even books and pencils believe me it does run into money I have bought so many pens and colored pencils as well lots of coloring books. I can't afford to do it like I was since covid. I also did this because of my eyes not being the same as before so I like I can zoom in as I color-free hand for me is so satisfying and no erasing just undo. well, I hope you enjoy it and that even more, wonderful artists will offer freebies. Coloring helped me through the chemo and covid down time It kept some depression and stress away I hope it will help others.

Back to it being spring the flowers are blooming bushes budding and soon leaves will fill the trees, I love birds and critters watching out my deck sliders I feed them. the squirlle chasing away the doves yet they come back quick it was just a startle here come a couple of blue jays and oh yes a sure sign of spring the robin. they wake me now in the morning hey lady get up hey lady get up they all chant we want our breakfast.

Easter has come and gone church on line than a big feast of ham potatoes and vegies, some photos for memories then sleep comes again days do seem to go by so fast I hope you all had beautiful Easter Sunday it was sunny and nice here in NewEngland. I must get a few more things done today so until next time friends,  Probably when my beautiful lilacs bloom I will share some thoughts and photos.

A couple spring Items recently sold In my shop  (Renderly Yours store) Thank you hugs.

Friday, March 26, 2021

vaccine 1


Hey we got our first Pfizer vaccine Yesterday

My arm hurt a little this morning but I can move it fine all is well no big deal
I got mine at an event set up at an old bennys store lots of once workers with a great routine
first person ask about if have been tasted or had covid next person takes temp you wash hands then you check-in then you go through the line of ropes no only one person ahead of me then you get your shot after you sit in a chair and they get you to a webpage on your phone and you answer questions for next appointment then wait and leave after time on your paper. all good you get a card with your covid vaccine info.

Jonathan got his at Walmart it was simple, they set up fewer appointments so it is one person at a time no big deal, not a lot of info they set him up next appointment  he waited and left

Sunday, February 28, 2021

My Basset Barnaby

My basset Barnaby, this will be a fun, yet true, post. But first, right along with my husband my Basset was my joy, helper, and loving friend through my cancer. I felt so bad leaving him all day during my chemo treatments. he was so happy to see me when I got home.

I must start with the question what is a basset hound? Here is a descriptive list --- Not only are they adorable, but are funny best friends. 

1)  A Basset is a velcro dog (always watch for him to be underfoot when awake), and for me, it's a lot of love. They are not happy being left alone, the howling makes me very sad when I have to leave him home.

2)  Stubborn!!!!!!!! Nuff said.

3)  They shed a lot, and I mean a lot! Lots of tiny hairs floating through the house all year round. You could make a sweater from all the hair!

4)  They give off a musky odor, some do not like it others do not even notice. We notice it when he is hyped up or upset over something.

5)  What is on the floor is his. If you drop anything he will go for it, quick! Be it good or bad, so be careful.

6)  What's on the counter it is his also. Although they are short they are looooong. Long enough to counter surf and they love to do it.

7)  They are clowns, they can be very cute and funny.

8)  Barkers, and howlers. Yup, again nuff said.

9)  They are very hard to train, if you can train them to go potty outside then you have done a wonderful job.

10)  And finally, be prepared for smelly farts!

But most importantly they are the most lovable friend ever.

Oh, and one other thing is being prepared for lumps. Barnaby has had many lumps, not one has been cancer. Some have been removed from his ears because he dug at them or they grew too big. He has a few more on his body we are watching, but it is not uncommon for bassets to be lumpy.  So I saw a post recently about a couple and their Basset hound and how they act, so I just had to post my own story. Which of course is in some ways similar, because it is truly what Bassets are like. 

Barnaby's Story

We feel we rescued our boy from abusers. His nails were bleeding badly from a bad trimming by the owner (we cannot trim his nails as he gets too nippy about it so we bring him to vets for trimmings). And he had a scarred nose and eye. He was only a few months old and he had some nipping issues when afraid, but we got through it. He has calmed a lot over the years, he is now 9, (wow time flies). 

A day in the life of Barnaby-


Aw, it is sunrise, a beautiful day, and I am still snug in my bed, warm and cozy and could sleep another hour easy. Then all of a sudden "woof woof woof". I say "no, another hour". Another "woof woof woof ". I roll over then I feel his feet at my back and nose pushing at me, and "woof woof woof" repeating over and over. "Woof woof woof " you can see it like in a movie head movement eyes wincing with each "woof". A Basset bark is not an old hound like, soft, deep, woof. It is loud and big and even a little raspy. Ok ok, I get up barely able to move my old bones, aching, trying to get my slippers on. Oh by the way, he can get out to go to the bathroom on his own. No this is for his "toothbrush" and a busy bone. I give him one of each and head back to lay down another hour. Now if I am lucky he will settle for an hour, but this is very unlikely. "Woof woof woof " again. At this point he just wants Mom up, that's it, he wants to be loved, talked to and his back scratched. As soon as I sit up this time he jumps into bed, into a warmed spot by me, and curls up for a back rub. And that is how my day starts every day.

I finally get my coffee, and Jonathan (my husband) gets up as well because of all the ruckus. We have breakfast, every meal is with Barnaby sitting, staring, dancing about, and do not make the mistake of even looking at him as he will bark the entire meal and then you end up sharing with the dog. At least one bite of toast, or more, is shared every morning. 

Now the rest of the day, 

Let's be clear right off, I am a huge klutz, I will trip over my own feet. Well since Barnaby I am practically a gymnast now, he is underfoot keeping me company all day unless I shut a gate or door behind me, which I hardly do. The gates are more for his, and at times my, safety. Like if my arms are full of things and I can't see well. Barnaby is the typical velcro Basset and very attached to me. After some morning housework (with Barnaby attached to my leg practically), lunchtime with Barnaby is a repeat of breakfast, him sitting, staring, dancing, then barking for at least a bite. We do sometimes spray him with the water bottle, but most of the time that just means we have a dancing, barking, wet dog.

Not long now, oh yes you guessed it "woof woof woof". I hear paws and nails on the window. The little Basset is on the chair looking like some crazy wolf, barking and scratching at the window. Yup the mail is here and it is Barnaby's favorite time of day. We have given cookies during the holidays to our mail delivery people from Barnaby with a photo saying "I only bark because I really like you". It is the best time of day for me. Thank you so much for all you do, the weather you go through, please just think of me as saying "Hi, Merry Christmas, love Barnaby".

After sitting in the window for a little while longer I hear a tick, tick, tick and then pounce into the recliner and baby bear grunts as he forms his nest with the blanket. Digging a hole (so he thinks anyway) which we sometimes joke that he thinks is to china. Then he is down until dinner time. 

OMG, have you ever heard a Basset Hound's snore, I thought my husband was bad. I have had times the noise scared me thinking something was in the house, nope just my sweet cute sleeping dude.

Then darkness falls upon the house, it's sunset and guess who is awake and barking for his real meal of the day, his homemade dinner a bowl of rice and chicken with green beans and pumpkin. Then he climbs back into bed for the night.

A few other tidbits 

He enjoys watching out the back window or laying on the deck in summer, watching the birds and squirrels, if something new comes along like a different type of bird he hasn't seen he will bark until I come to look. If he is in the yard he chases everything like any hound would, it's not like he can catch anything, he is pretty fast, but not that fast.

In the car he is good while driving on highways, but when at lights or if he sees people walking or riding bikes, he will bark the entire time. And is very rude at drive-throughs. But, I love him so much I wouldn't trade him for all the money in the world, he is my boy.

In most ways having a Basset is like having any loving dog, he is just a bit more stubborn, and um stubborn, and did I say stubborn. I am cuddling with him right now giving him kisses, oh enough ok, as he heads to the corner of the couch to sleep. 

As I mentioned before my basset Barnaby was my joy, helper, and loving friend throughout my cancer. I felt so bad leaving him all day during my chemo treatments. He was so happy to see me when I got home.

                                         Here's Barnaby laying on the floor next to me after a treatment.

He would cuddle with me when I cried, he laid on the floor beside my bed where I could reach him. Again he was always so happy to see me when I got home from treatment, wagging tail, spinning about like a pup, I've got a tear now as I think of his love. 

OH yeah, check out my pumpkin, peanut butter treats recipe. Barnaby loves them and they are good for him. 

Treat Recipe


As his dinner cooks we play with his toy, both Barnaby and my husband love it. It is the robot bone in the video above. My husband runs it by remote with his phone, it rolls on the floor, spins fast, and teases going side to side and forward and back, and Barnaby plays with it for quite a while. Robotic dog toy

Basset Hound mask

Friday, February 5, 2021

Moms-Sallie’s Venus de Milo Soup

 This is a version of Venus de Milo soup as my Husband Jonathan best remembers his Mom making it. It’s like the minestrone soup that the Venus de Milo restaurant in Swansea, MA serves. His Mom made this multiple times a year, but not positive where she got the recipe and don’t know if it is precisely the same as the Venus’s. Boy, it sure tastes like it though. The Venus won’t publish any of its homegrown recipes, therefore there are quite a few versions out there, however, this is basically how he remembers his Mom making it . The recipe is from my memory of when she made it, as, unfortunately, we can’t find her recipe. Instead of Veg-All vegetables in cans, some recipes call for frozen mixed vegetables but, He distinctly remembers that his mother always used the cans. If you’d rather use frozen instead then add it with the water as they’ll obviously need additional time to cook. You’ll see that this recipe says to cook the pasta in the soup because his Mom always did, but you can cook the pasta separately instead and then add it to the soup, which eliminates the last 20 – 30 minutes of cooking if you are in a rush. If you freeze the soup, and it does freeze quite well, the only thing that you don’t want to do is add the pasta. Instead, freeze it without the pasta and add it when you heat it up. Pasta can get mushy when frozen in soup and who wants mushy pasta.

This soup is just great in the fall and winter. Perfect for any snowy day when you want to curl up with a good book and forget about going outside. It’s very delicious and easy to make. Best of all, it tastes even better the second day. Enjoy!


• 3+ quarts water (or stock)

• 2 undrained cans of Veg-All

• ½ tsp oregano

• 1 cup diced celery

• 1 diced small onion

• 1½ – 2 lbs hamburger (use ground turkey for a healthier version)

• 1 package Lipton onion soup mix

• 1 large undrained can of crushed or diced tomatoes,

• 1 cup orzo

Directions:Sauté the hamburger and onion in a 6 or 8 quart saucepan and sweat the celery near the end. Drain off all of the fat. Add remaining the ingredients, except for the canned veggies and the orzo. Cook for 10 – 15 minutes. Now add the Veg-All and cook another 10 – 15 minutes. Then add the orzo and cook for 10 – 20 minutes as directed on the package. Top each bowl with grated cheese when serving, if desired.

Our trip around the USA and visiting aunt Helen and family in Oklahoma

 Our trip around the USA has been added to the sidebar. We visited Jonathan's aunt in Oklahoma, then Jonathan surprised me with many gre...